This is a VGA DOS paint program I wrote in 1996 (original page.)
You can run paint.exe in a browser window! It's incredible that this works, many thanks to em-dosbox! I've tested it in Chrome on Ubuntu, ymmv.
Press F3 to go to the main menu, F1 to go back to the image:
An archive of example images and colour palettes is also available. They can be viewed with the included viewvga.exe.
The following is the help file included (with original typos!)
When in the Image Screen - ------------ ---Keys: F2 - Go to the Palette Editting screen F3 - Go to the Main Menu F4 - Go to the Mask screen F12 - This help screen ESC - Quit tPaint SHIFT & 'i' - Toggle the Info box on/off m - toggle image masking on/off FUNCTION SELECTION KEYS SPACE - Toggle between draw and continuous draw, and box and filled box circle and filled circle, ellipse and filled ellipse d - Draw l - Line g - Gradient Line c - Circle b - Box a - Average box s - Brush w - Wu antialiased line f - Flood Fill z - Bezier curve - Left mouse button to move control points, right to draw, middle to abort e - Ellipse TAB - Cycle through brush shapes DRAWING MODE KEYS [ - Dodge ] - Burn > - Brightest . - Normal / - Average PGUP - Next colour (colour = colour +1) PGDN - Previous colour (colour = colour -1) EDITING KEYS INS - Paste from clipboard DEL - Copy to clipboard AVERAGE MODE KEYS 1 - - Horizontal 2 - | Vertical 3 - + Cross 4 - \ Diagonal 5 - / Diagonal 6 - * Surrounding 8 pixels IMAGE VIEWING COMMANDS ENTER - Temporarily view the entire image when in zoom mode press a key to return to editting mode + - Zoom in ALT & '+' - Zoom in, center on mouse position - - Zoom out HOME - Go to the top-left of image END - Go to the bottom-right of image LEFT } RIGHT } Pan the image around when in Zoom mode UP } DOWN } CTRL+UP } CTRL+DOWN } Pan the image around when in Zoom mode in CTRL+LEFT } 'screen sized' chunks CTRL+RIGHT } SCROLL LOCK - toggle auto pan mode on/off - when SCROLL LOCK is on, the window will pan when the mouse is moved to the edge of the screen ---Mouse: LEFT MOUSE BUTTON - Activate the current drawing function RIGHT MOUSE BUTTON - Select the colour under the mouse pointer to be the current drawing colour MIDDLE MOUSE BUTTON (or LEFT and RIGHT simultaneously) - Average the surrounding pixels using current Average Mode setting When in the Mask Screen - ------------ ---Keys: ESC or F1 - Go to the Image screen F2 - Go to the Palette Editting screen F3 - Go to the Main Menu SHIFT & l: Load mask from disk (.MSK) SHIFT & s: Save mask to disk (.MSK) f - Reverses mask i - creates mask from non-zero image pixels colours below THRESHOLD are made into white areas of the mask, colours above THRESHOLD are made into black areas of the mask. FUNCTION SELECTION KEYS d - Draw l - Line c - Circle b - Box s - Brush IMAGE VIEWING COMMANDS ENTER - Temporarily view the entire image when in zoom mode press a key to return to editting mode 1-8 - change mask layer + - Zoom in - - Zoom out HOME - Go to the top-left of image END - Go to the bottom-right of image LEFT } RIGHT } Pan the image around when in Zoom mode UP } DOWN } CTRL+UP } CTRL+DOWN } Pan the image around when in Zoom mode in CTRL+LEFT } 'screen sized' chunks CTRL+RIGHT } SCROLL LOCK - toggle auto pan mode on/off - when SCROLL LOCK is on, the window will pan when the mouse is moved to the edge of the screen ---Mouse: LEFT MOUSE BUTTON - Activate the current drawing function RIGHT MOUSE BUTTON - Select either no-mask or mask depending on pixel under the mouse pointer to be the current drawing mode When in the Palette Screen - ______________ NOTE: Undo is saved upon entry to the Palette screen. The UNDO button undoes all changes since the Palette screen was entered. Therefore, to save the palette before making a change, exit the Palette screen and re-enter it. Use the View ('v') command to see the effect of palette changes without losing the ability to undo them. ---Keys: ESC or F1 - Go to the Image screen F3 - Go to the Main Menu F4 - Go to the Mask screen ENTER - Toggle between Block-Blend and Linear-Blend modes SPACE - Toggle between colour swap and colour replace modes v - Temporarily view the entire image when in zoom mode press a key to return to editting mode s } sort palette on intensity of colours S } r } R } Sort palette on R/G/B levels of colour g } G } b } B } w - convert palette to a grey-scale ---Mouse: LEFT MOUSE BUTTON - When in Palette block: Select colour to be current drawing colour - When in RGB block: Modify the RGB level of the current drawing colour MIDDLE MOUSE BUTTON (or LEFT and RIGHT buttons simultaneously) - When in Palette block: Blend between two colours RIGHT MOUSE BUTTON - When in Palette block: Swap or Replace two colours When in the Menu Screen - ___________ ---Mouse: Select options from buttons available ---Keys: Most keys from the Image screen will work, ESC or F1 - Return to Image screen F2 - Go to Palette screen F4 - Go to Mask screen
I don't think directories are supported when loading and saving files - everything must be in the same directory as tpaint.exe.
viewvga.exe does support directories though.
Some resources from spaced can be viewed (you need to load the default DEF.PAL palette), but maybe only those that have a width of 320 pixels.
CTRL+F5 captures the screen in dosbox
CTRL+F10 releases the mouse in dosbox