Demis Hassibis on the Lex Fridman podcast
Very good interview about DeepMind and more.
Very good interview about DeepMind and more.
This is pretty neat - generating CAD models using Python code and a jQuery-fluent-style "selector" API.
A little Mastermind game and puzzle solver (play against the computer or use it to cheat against a human) I wrote using SolidJS.
I made a Python package! It's simple function to do SolidJS style updating of nested Python objects. Mostly just something to get my feet wet with PyPI etc.
Another great film from Beau and co.
Good article on company organisation/prioritisation of projects etc.
Simple and slick JavaScript UI framework.
Nice intro/summary of these fascinating videos. The shorts are really something else!
A good case for optimism and I like the idea of protopia: A world that is a little bit better each day.
Another fun video from Beau Miles.
Rubik's Cube patterns gallery with algorithms (somehow this concept hadn't occurred to me until a 9yo "messed up" my cube!)
Handy reference for an algorithm to solve the Rubik's Cube (achievement unlocked!)
I quite like the idea of a build system that's self contained so that you can run it locally or from a CI provider.
Excellent interview. Can't wait for the book!
This is a good talk on solving the eternity puzzle.
"I see a world absolutely awash with loose money and speculation because the various governments of the world, unwilling to make any serious structural changes that would threaten the present status quo, have decided to solve every problem by printing more money to throw at it."