This Future Looks Familiar: Watching Blade Runner in 2017
via jwz
via jwz
From 2005.
Genuine reconciliation is not possible until we acknowledge Australia's frontier wars, says historian Henry Reynolds.
Australia has been at war for 60 of the 78 years since WW2 started.
Another interesting project!
On July 14, 1965, Mariner 4 sent home the very first television pictures of Mars during its historic flyby. But instead of waiting for time-consuming image processing, impatient scientists created this awesome colour-by-numbers wall chart from the raw data.
Building a like-new (but really refurbished) iPhone 6S entirely from parts - an interesting project.
This was painted in 1670! A surprisingly post-modern century!
This is an incredible film.
Mobile shell that supports roaming and intelligent local echo. Like SSH secure shell, but allows mobility and more responsive and robust.
Developing using an iPad Pro as a terminal to a remote server - looks like it might work pretty well.
Author Walter Isaacson investigates how Leonardo da Vinci combined the arts and sciences to create masterpieces.
Another good Walkaway interview.
Things you don't know until someone measures them. "keyboards are often more powerful than entire computers from the 70s and 80s! [20x the transistors running at 16x the clock speed] And yet, the median keyboard today adds as much latency as the entire end-to-end pipeline as a fast machine from the 70s."
Low cost, functional and brilliantly efficient, one is produced every three seconds
It's improved health, school attendance, agricultural productivity and farm worker wages
The safety elevator is a mass transit system that has changed the shape of our cities
This series of videos is pretty fascinating - there's so much craft in setting type.
Typesetting be hard work: "the word "present" as a noun hyphenates differently than the same word as a verb"
Knuth on possible future changes to TeX and METAFONT: "Let us regard these systems as fixed points, which should give the same results 100 years from now that they produce today."
Following 3.0, Knuth wanted point release updates to follow the progression of π (the current version is 3.14159265). Knuth also declared that on his death, the version number should be permanently set to π. “From that moment on,” he ordained “all ‘bugs’ will be permanent ‘features.’”
Daniel Abraham, author and television producer of The Expanse.
A good interview covering Leonardo da Vinci, Benjamin Franklin, Steve Jobs and more.
A good interview with Richard Branson.
Rob Reid discussing the future of work (and how technology augments workers) among many other things with Tim O'Reilly.
JSFuck uses only six different characters to execute any code - []()+!
via boingboing