engineerguy: Britain's Giant Airship - R.101
This thing was epic!
This thing was epic!
Amazing Apollo hardware.
Waking Up Podcast #116 - Sam Harris speaks with Eliezer Yudkowsky about the nature of intelligence, different types of AI, the “alignment problem,” is vs ought, the possibility that future AI might deceive us, the AI arms race, conscious AI, coordination problems, and other topics.
Feynman discusses three equivalent representations of the theory of gravity.
Equivalent representations of physical theories drive the plot in Ted Chiang's Story of Your Life (made into the movie Arrival) (Fermat's principle of least time in that instance).
Excellent metaphor.
Good interview with Jeff Atwood on CommEngReport with Kim Crayton.
Chris Anderson interviews Linus Torvalds and they discuss Linux, Git and Open Source software.
Towering up above a forest near Moscow is the strange configuration of tubes that were once used as a shockingly powerful lightning machine.
via jwz
A zoo in Ontario, Canada has found that elephants have fun playing in the snow. Cheetahs, on the other hand, aren't so excited.
On Google, innovation and ride-sharing-food-delivery-payment-gateways.
Can't wait to visit this...
Mo and Scott share their thoughts and struggle in this cancer diary they started the day after Mo was diagnosed.
In which the world's worst chemist gives everyone lead poisoning, and then puts a hole in the ozone layer as an encore. See also my small Successlessness post from 2004 :)
All Unicode Symbols with Names and Descriptions on One Page: ❤ ☀ ★ ☂ ☻ ♞ ☯ ☭ ☢ € → ☎ ❄ ♫ ✂ ▶ ✇ ♎ ⇧ ☮ ♻ ⌘ ⌛ ☘ ✈ ✔ ☊ ♔ ♕ ♖ ☦ ✝ ❖ ➎ ♠ ♣ ♥ ♦ ♂ ♀ ❂ ❃ ✒
Some snow drifts reached the level of utility poles!
Fascinating look at the similarities and differences between the wealthiest and poorest people around the world.
Humans have been subservient to AIs for quite some time now.
via jwz
Ars Technica on the bizarre price rises of GPUs driven by cryptocurrency mining.
Even more cold-war craziness.
A pretty amazing spacecraft, especially the auto-pilot and reusable Energia rockets.
"Problems are inevitable. Problems are solvable. Solutions create new problems."
Rob Reid and Andy McAfee discuss the future of work and jobs and the nature of exponential progress.
This looks interesting - data mining and visualisation GUI written in Python.
Including the Damascus Accident story from Command and Control.
Eel - A little Python library for making simple Electron-like HTML/JS GUI apps